Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Employability Boost: Enterprise Skills

"Using your initiative, being proactive and getting things done without waiting for someone else to tell you to: that's enterprising" TOTALjobs

Employers are looking for the leaders of tomorrow. And you often know a leader by their natural tendencies. You will find most leaders are not defined by whether or not they are an extrovert, introvert, vision-casting, in-the-detail type of person. It's their enterprising nature that sets them apart. Managers want you to assume responsibility, show initiative etc not be spoon-fed tasks!

On our Firm Foundations instructor training scheme (see www.ff-training.org.uk) we always encourage enterprise! Whether it's as simple as tweaking an archery session, suggesting new income streams, encouraging a behind-the-scenes social day for the team on a day off - it all shows enterprise. It all shows intent. And it is those people who we really see staying with us for the long term.

With this in mind, here are a few tips to make yourself more enterprising without trying too hard:

1. Speak Up!
For most of us there are daily opportunities to share our opinions and ideas - even if they aren't asked for. Do it politely, do it well, but suggest something new. Something exciting. Something that is a bit of a risk, but if it pulls of.... well! You'll find people will respond to this positively or negatively. But it doesn't matter. It shows you're keen and it shows you're thinking about the business!

2. Don't Wait For Permission
Let's start with a warning here. Don't over-extend what is meant by this! But sometimes your line manager doesn't need to know every detail before making every decision. Make a small decision here or there. Innovate something, just a little! Give it a go. Often you won't receive praise for this - usually the line manager won't even notice. But give it a go!

3. Invest in your Personal Development
Get a bit of vocational training. Take an extra qualification. Give a bit of extra time to practicing. One of things things I admire most about David Beckham is how much other footballers refer to the extra hours he used to put in on the training ground - and it paid off.... clearly! Give a bit more time to become more competent, more skillful. And then gently, humbly, politely begin to give positive input in the workplace.

If you're interested in developing the 'enterprising-you', why not take a year out with us here at Action Centres UK? For more information see www.ff-training.org.uk.

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